Yaksas Security is dedicated to protect you and your assets in the Cyber World.

Vision Statement

Create and contribute in an ecosystem where any advancement in the fields of Computer Science and Information Technology continues to be, primarily, an enabler and encourages further development and enhancement of the same.

Mission Statement(s)

  • Ensure the safety and security of people interacting with the Cyber World, in an ethical manner, either as a part of their day to day activities or as a one time transaction.

  • Ensure organizations, of any constitution, except those involved in illegal activities, stay safe and protected from cyber crimes, of any nature, that may pose a threat to their employees and business operations.

  • Contribute to the field of Cyber Security by committing ourselves to active research and sharing our results in an ethical and professional manner.

  • Encourage the advancement of Cyber Security profession by providing proper guidance to those who wish to pursue it and committing ourselves to the continuous education and skill enhancement of our active employees.

What does Yaksas mean?

Yaksas (Sanskrit: यक्ष Yakṣas), were believed to be benevolent nature-spirits as per the Hindu, Jain and Buddhist Literature. The folklore portrays them as the care takers of the natural treasures hidden in the earth and tree roots. In Indian art, they are mostly depicted as fearsome warriors. The texts also speak of their dark side in which they haunted, waylaid and devoured wilderness and travelers.

Cyber Security Professionals (CSPs) have an uncanny resemblance to that of Yakṣas. Yakṣas were the guardians of hidden treasures, CSPs too are the guardians of hidden treasures, except that for CSPs the hidden treasure is data or information which reside in the Cyber World rather than in the earth or tree roots.

The second most striking similarity is the dual personality. Just as Yakṣas could use their powers to cause destruction, CSPs too are capable of using their knowledge and skills to cause destruction and chaos in the Cyber World. The texts named such Yakṣas as Rakṣasas. The Cyber World calls them Black Hats.

Yakṣas had to fight with various mythical creatures and powerful demons in order to protect the treasure. A CSP’s task is no less. Given the virtual and pseudo-anonymous nature of the Cyber World, a CSP too has to fight against demons which are, in a way, as mythical and powerful. These demons manifest themselves in form of crackers, cyber criminals, bullies, stalkers etc.

Treasure, be it hidden in the earth or in computers, needs to be protected. Additionally, the Cyber World poses risk to people as well. They need to be guarded against exploitation in the virtual world. To carry on the legacy of Yakṣas, we came up with Yakṣas Cyber Security Champions (CSC), an organization of CSPs, dedicated to protect you and your assets in the Cyber World. 

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Cybersecurity Research


Yaksas Security is a cybersecurity research and education organization. We are committed to active security research in cyber space and sharing our results in an ethical and professional manner.